
  • Limiting length of synthetic generation prompts
  • Posting more to tauvision again
  • Fix for miners who sometimes get partial llm lines streamed
  • Pinning Numpy version to fix version issues


  • Hotfix to Capacities diminishing every period


  • Hotfix to capacities calculation


  • Hotfixes to uid period scores


Refactored Weights Setting:

  • Made the weights setting process modular.

Fixed Quality Score Finder Bug:

  • Corrected the issue in the quality score finder to ensure accurate scoring.

Indexed Database:

  • Indexed the database to improve performance and retrieval times.

Increased Synthetic Rate:

  • Increased the rate at which synthetic querying happens.

Enhanced Task Selection for Scoring:

  • Selected tasks for scoring based on the lack of scores in reward data, so a more accurate picture of a miner is gathered.

Adjusted Period Decay Score:

  • Reduced the decay rate of period scores over time.


🚀 High Level Flow Changes

  • Validators will auto adjust to maximize the capacity of a miner on 60-min intervals 🚀
  • Miners can chose to rate limit by adjusting their task config files (be careful with your HTTP 429s 🛑)
  • Dropped Finetune for now 👋
  • Dropped GoAPI SOTA API requirement (savings here) 🫡
  • Miners will have massively increased visibility onto their performance through dashboards 🔥

Scoring overview

  • Validators synthetically score miners on these requests, calculating a
    , which represents reliability.
  • Validators workflow for each task:
    • Use the quality scores calculated from the scoring of all tasks for this UID, with a preference for quality scores from this specific task.
    • Use a decaying weighted average of previous period scores to calculate a weighted period score.
    • Combine the weighted period score with the task quality score and multiply by volume to get the effective volume (capacity).
    • Compare the effective capacities with others to get a score for this UID for the task.
    • Weight all scores across each task using the subnet-level task weights to derive an overall incentive score.
    • Miners can rate limit explicitly to validators without incurring a greater penalty, depending on volume.

🆙 Upgrades

  • Bittensor upgrade to version 6.9.3.

🔧 Validator Enhancements

  • Validators to store extensive stats information.
  • Reworked weight setting to utilize announced capacities and 'evidence' of those capacities.
  • Increased range for speed scores.
  • Posted stats for sexy dashboards.
  • Small bug fixes for validator proxy.
  • Implemented smart load balancing between miners for organic requests using a doubly linked list.
  • Cleaned up outdated code.
  • Separated validator into specific duties.

Power to infer from AI models is largely concentrated in the hands of big providers. S19 aims to smash this problem, by bringing decentralised inference to the masses